1️⃣ You wake up a few times during the night and have an overall sense of restlessness. Interrupted sleep patterns may be a sign that you need to eat more food! When my clients have upped their calories, they reported they were sleeping better throughout the night and were more productive during the day.

2️⃣ You experience frequent bloating. Chronic dieters may experience bloating because when your body is in a state of starvation, it does what it can to protect the brain. This means shutting down other "less important" functions in order to save energy to keep you alive.

3️⃣ You constantly feel cold and aren't able to warm up easily. This could be a sign that you are under eating because your body isn't functioning optimally and saving energy as a result.

4️⃣ You have a loss of your menstrual cycle for two or more months. When you are not eating enough food, you signal to your body that it is not a good time to carry a child because resources are scarce.

5️⃣ You experience low energy during the day. When you undereat, your body conserves as much energy as possible. Therefore, you will feel lethargic and slow.

6️⃣ Constant cravings. If you have been under eating for a long period of time, your body will begin to crave foods at all times of the day and food will be your main focus.

Some women go through life thinking that this has to be their reality.

What they they don't realize is that these things are SYMPTOMS to a greater problem.

On a biological level, your body doesn't know the difference between a diet and starvation.

If you push your body for too long, your body will push back!

There are ways to achieve the body of your dreams without harming your internal functions.

Did any of these signs surprise you? Let me know below