December Updates in Afit Coaching and Surviving the Holidays!


Hello December! This year truly feels like it flew by! Do you love the holiday time or does it stress you out with an endless to do list!?

When I suffered tremendously with disordered eating, every year the holidays looked different when it came to my outlook on food. Everything depended on what current diet I was trending on🙈🙈.

I usually put certain stipulations in my head as the holidays approached. I would say things like “I am not going to eat the dessert on Christmas, I know I will feel better the next day if I don’t” or I just have to be really good until Christmas and then I can indulge a bit. Either mentality resorted to a binge on Christmas. 


I truly never knew how to stop an all or nothing mentality. Binging and restricting food became a vicious cycle. It even felt suffocating at times!

Do these things sound familiar at all? If, so know you're not alone!

The past 5 years since I have healed my relationship with food, I truly enjoy and can’t wait for the holidays and all the delicious food that comes with them! The reason I have a strong positive outlook is because I built a ton of trust around food. I did this by slowly incorporating regular food (no more low cal/diet foods) into my day to day. I build this up over time all while losing fat at the sametime. So when the holidays rolled around I was not so inclined to nose dive into every single dessert. 

A question to ask yourself is, where do you fall on a deprive/indulgence scale. Deprivation-------------Indulgence.  If you are not somewhere in the middle then this is something to address! Which brings me to my number #1 tip to get you through the holidays! 

Holiday Tip: I encourage you to make an imperfect food choice in your day. When you do this on your day to day it will give food less power and you will find yourself less inclined to reach for a ton of crap come the weekend. Weight loss will actually become easier because you will have a much stronger mindset with flexibility in your day to day food choices. 

YOU do NOT have to cut everything out of your diet in order to see weight loss results!

Here are some foods I love to incorporate on a day to day basis

  • A couple squares of chocolate (sprinkle in some choc chips into your chocolate protein smoothie-game changer)

  • Bread (bread gets a bad rep-if you do not have a gluten intolerance then have the bread!)

  • Ham and turkey cold cuts (These are incredibly easy protein sources-protein is a key to fat loss)

  • Nightly dessert like chocolate hummus with peanut butter or coconut whip cream

 If you missed out on my black friday sale this year, do not worry I have something new coming to you in the new year! Stay tuned for a new group coaching program to all my friends that want to learn weight loss without restricting your food choices!

Here is a great recipe to try for the month of December

Chocolate Chip Banana Protein Smoothie


  • 1 scoop chocolate protein (I like Vepro by Protea Nutrition)

  • ½-1 banana (depending on size and how much banana flavor you like)

  • 1-1.5 cups unsweetened cashew or almond milk

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds (extra fiber and healthy  fats)

  • 1-2 tbsp chocolate chips

  • Sprinkle of cinnamon

  • Ice

  • Blend all ingredients and Enjoy!


Keep your eyes open for new details for a group coaching program coming in the new year!