3 Weight Loss Mindset Blocks

3 Weight Loss Mindset Blocks

3 Weight Loss Mindset Blocks

Losing weight does not mean we have to sacrifice everything we enjoy eating! Following an 80/20 rule to your nutrition will be the best thing for your mindset and your results!

So you eat all the right foods, work out five days a week, drink all the water, take all the supplements… but you’re still not seeing the weight loss you want. What gives?

It might just be your mindset.

Your brain is powerful, and the things you believe – both consciously and subconsciously – about yourself are powerful. And when you’re trying to lose weight and improve your health, your mindset is one of the most important predictors of long-term success!

Okay, But What Is Mindset Really?

Let's define it, mindset is generally a set of mental attitudes that produce thoughts that we shape into habits.

Here’s how it works: [give example of mindset at work ie. you don’t believe you deserve to lose weight, so you self-sabotage without even realizing it, etc.]

Losing weight does take some sacrifice and when we do not see immediate results we want to throw in the towel. A limiting belief mindset of thinking we do not deserve to lose weight or we think we failed after a week, generally turns to self sabotage behaviors around food.

When you increase awareness of your mindset, you’ll start to notice little things throughout your day – [I turn to food when I am in a bad mood] or [when I am exhausted and stressed I always crave chocolate]. 

How Does Mindset Affect Weight Loss?

It’s pretty simple really: simple statement about mindset and weight loss. 

When we can not be open for change and adapt to a growth mindset, results will be hard to come by. For example: you're scared to eat carbs because “they cause weight gain”. Well...carbohydrates themselves do not cause weight gain. Over consuming calories for an extended period of time will cause weight gain. However carbohydrates will bind to water therefore when you consume an increased quantity of them you can feel fuller all over and or bloated. In your mind you are gaining weight. However it is not fat you are gaining!

See, when you practice a growth mindset and being open for change by fueling your body properly then you will see results in your physique.

It’s not magic, but it honestly might feel like it! 

Your mindset influences:

  • How much you eat

  • What type of foods you eat

  • Your ability to stay consistent and adapt a healthier lifestyle

So you can see how important it is to master your mindset if you want to achieve your weight loss goals!

How to Improve Your Mindset

So we know what mindset is – [mindset is generally a set of mental attitudes that produce thoughts that we shape into habits.] – and we know how it affects weight loss. 

But how do we change or improve our mindset?

One of the easiest ways is with daily affirmations!

You identify the blocks you have:

  • [I can not eat carbs they make me gain weight]

  • [I can only eat clean foods in order to lose weight]

  • [I have to eat 1200 calories to see results]

  • [I have to exercise for at least 1 hour in order to see changes to my body]

And then you replace those limiting beliefs with the things you want to be true. Except you say them like they are already fact.

[I need carbohydrates for energy, thyroid health and proper weight loss results]

[I can follow an 80/20 rule with nutrition and lose weight]

[I have to eat ENOUGH in order to fuel my body and get proper results]

[ I can exercise for as little as 20-30 min a day and see amazing changes to my body]

Once you create your affirmations, practice saying them to yourself. I recommend saying them out loud for maximum effect! After a while, you’ll find yourself in a much happier mindset. When you realize the way you were doing things before was not working and there is a better, healthier way to reach your goals, you will experience change like you never have before!

I work with my clients very closely in adapting a growth mindset around food, improving their relationship with food in order to be happy and healthy and see amazing weight loss results. Do you find you struggle with your mindset around food? Download my beginner guide to tracking macros! It is the stepping stone to awareness around food. 

I work with clients daily in order to get them the long term results they are looking for! Not sure where to start? Check out my services page and apply to what you think best suits your needs!